21 April 2016


I finally have an appointment date for my screenings!

I go May 14 for the medical stuff and apparently I'll do the psych stuff over Skype. I'd prefer to just do it all in one go, but oh well.

Little update, I'm so excited!

20 April 2016

Finally some headway.

April 13

My application has been approved by the clinic!


Lots more waiting. I finally got an e-mail from the clinic on April 18 to make an appointment for my screenings. I'm going to Ottawa from May 5 to 10, so of course guess which date they asked for.

Correct. A date in which I'm not able to go.

So now I'm waiting, again, for the nurse to e-mail me back with a new date.

This is all very frustrating. They really seem to take their time.

A&M and I are all set to meet on April 30! Very exciting!

It's silly but I'm worried that I'm going to be taller than them.

Another small update, but nothing's been happening around here thus far. Hopefully they start picking up soon!

11 April 2016

Hurry up and wait.

I'm not sure why, but I assumed that when the referral went to the clinic I'd get a call a few days later for my screening appointment.

Well, not so.

I guess my over expectations are letting me down so I've been in a funky kind of mood.

I also thought that I would start the hormones right after the screenings, do those for a month or so, do the transfer, then become pregnant right away.

Learning that it doesn't happen that way every time is also a mood dampener.

Plus the weather just sucks.

Not a great update, but I figure I should put it all out there. Cause if I think this stuff I'm sure someone else does, too.

I'm trying not to let it get me down. My IPs Skype with the clinic today and said they'll try to get some information. So I'm crossing my fingers that we know more later today.

Oh, but they met my partner on Saturday. They all liked each other so I'm really happy about that. I'll be excited to meet them in person.

Crossing my fingers and toes!

02 April 2016

It's official!

Houston; we have a match!

This morning the couple from Belgium asked me to be their surro. I feel so blessed for this opportunity to make them a family! It's very exciting.

They've sent an e-mail to the fertility clinic in Toronto with my information and I'll be contacted, I imagine, the beginning of the coming week. It's Saturday so I doubt they're open until Monday.

We'll get appointments made for my assessments and if all pulls through I'll start the hormones and we'll do the transfer.

I'm not entirely sure of a time line. M&A (the IPs) said they'll fly to Canada at the end of April to make their "deposit", but I believe I need to be on the hormones for a bit before the transfer.

Maybe the embryo needs to develop in the dish before transfer? I don't know but I'm sure I'll find out.

I should probably research a little haha.

I can't wait!