21 October 2016

A few more bumps in the road.

My apologies for the crappy hiatus.

The period that I posted about last time lasted 10 days. Other than having my own children, I have never bled that long, ever. So obviously if my uterus was still shedding it wouldn't be favourable for transfer so soon, so it was cancelled.

My nurse called in a script to induce a period. I forget now what it was called. I took those for 5 days and then had another period that was 8 days long. So in 23ish days, I bled for 18 of them. Not a particularly fun experience.

I decided to skip the next cycle after that one, to let me body regulate itself back and figure itself out. It doesn't like being messed with apparently. I think it was a hard decision for my IFs to accept, but I need to make sure I'm healthy first before putting my body through another transfer. I have my doubts that it would have worked anyway, if we'd gone right into it.

So now, we're just waiting for my cycle to start again. Projected, in about 6 days. Just in time for the next surro retreat!

I'm so very excited for it. The past few months have not been easy so it will be nice to get away for even just the weekend.

Really though, surro life has been pretty boring. When there's nothing going on, there's nothing to write about. Hence the hiatus.

Honestly, in a way I'm kind of glad for the failed transfer. My entire journey has not been the typical, sunshine-y, success story you usually see in the media. It hasn't been terrible though, either. I think if it had worked the first time and everything went perfectly, and I decided to do this again down the road, and it didn't happen the first time again, I'd be more hurt than I was this time.

I try hard to see the silver lining and I think that's what this one is.

Besides, perfect success stories are boring.

22 August 2016

Here goes round two.

Yesterday was cycle day 1 (CD1) so today I've started my meds. I have a few new ones!

Estrace - 2 pills, 3x daily
Prednisone - 1x daily
Aspirin - 1x daily
Materna - 1x daily
Folic Acid - 1x daily

In case you can't count, that's 10 pills a day!

And you know what, I miscounted this morning when I was filling up my pill organizer. I somehow forgot one of them and spent the entire day thinking it was only 9. Writing that all out made me realize my mistake. Whoops! haha

I'll do lining check around the end of the month. Hopefully everything will look good. I'm hoping for more than 9mm, but I'll take what I can get. I'm going to, hopefully, consume a lot of foods that help the uterine lining. I had a list last time but have since deleted it.

And then again, shortly after that, will be transfer day.

I'm kind of worried about when this is going to happen. My kids start school September 6. My son is only there for half an hour the first day, to meet his teacher and classmates, and starts full time the next day.

Going by my timeline last time, transfer will be scheduled for the 6th. I'm reaaaallly hoping it won't be. Especially since I don't think my mom can take the day off again. So cross your fingers and toes for me that it just isn't THAT day.

Heck, even Labour Day would be fine lol.

But man, the period you get after stopping the meds is just rude. Constant, consistent cramps from approx 5 to when I went to sleep, maybe 11:30. HOURS of cramping that felt like my uterus was trying to detach itself from my body. I told a friend to not be surprised if I told her the next day that I'd coughed it up.

I use the Diva Cup and have never had a problem with leakage. In the multitude of years I've been having a period, I've never leaked at night through my method of coverage. Well, I broke two records in one night! I woke up around 6:15 and just knew that it wasn't going to be good. And it sure wasn't.

It's been a lovely, lovely day. I just can't wait for this to be over. And I hope it never happens again (that the transfer works this time).

I asked a few of my surro friends about what time they do their PIO injections during the day. I was doing mine around 9:30PM; that way I had time to sit and relax with the heating pad. I think this time I'm going to do them in the morning. See if that makes any type of difference.

The nurse had said this time we're also doing an intralipid infusion (fats and nutrients, basically) and we're to use embryo glue during the transfer. It just makes the embie extra sticky. I also assume my PIO will be upped and I'll have to start the suppositories, or capsules, as well. I've heard wonderful things about the suppositories.

Also, apparently some women even have to do the Estrace vaginally O.O

Fun times!

16 August 2016

And sometimes things just don't work out.

Unfortunately, the transfer didn't take. We got the official blood test results last night.

I'd been expecting it because I had tested a few times prior to that. I wanted the line progression and to surprise IFs with a picture of the test. They're bummed, as expected. I'm not too torn up, mainly because I knew it was coming.

So now I stop the meds, on the nurse's orders, and then we wait for my period to show up. IFs want to try again right away. I'm pretty okay with it.

I am just not excited about having to stop and then restart the needles, and redo the one specific medication. Medrol, I think, is absolutely disgusting.

But a little set back won't stop me. So we'll jump right back on it and git-r-dun.

Kind of a crappy update, but surrogacy isn't all sunshine and rainbows, as I've painfully found out.

Hopefully next time x

04 August 2016

We have lift off!

Well, the big day was yesterday!

My appointment was for 12. My mom and I traveled to Toronto to the fertility clinic and were almost late because we couldn't find parking, lol. But we made it with 5 minutes to spare.

We needn't have worried though. The doctor ended up being almost 2 hours late. I got an ultrasound photo and the time stamp was 1:52 haha.

I was super nervous in the morning before we left, but that wore off pretty quick because of the waiting. By the time I got into the procedure room I was just ready to get on with it.

The procedure itself took no time at all. I spent more time waiting on the exam bed than I did having the embryo transferred.

Which was pretty cool to watch. Doctor said the transfer went perfectly!

Now I can wait 6 - 8 days to start peeing on home tests. I think I'm going to start Tuesday night to see how the line progresses.

On the 15th I have the first beta hCG blood test. It measures the hCG hormone in my body. The first number doesn't matter much, but the second one does. It needs to at least double to be considered a viable pregnancy. If it doesn't then it's a failed transfer and we try again with my next cycle.

If it is confirmed, I'm not sure what happens. If the fertility clinic keeps me on, or if I'm then free to find my own midwife. I guess I'll find out when that happens.

I've got good feelings about it.

And either way, I'll be calling a midwife the minute that second line shows up. They're hard to get in with. Especially since I want to try for a VBA2C (vaginal birth after 2 cesareans). It can be tricky so most midwives won't take anyone like that. But I happen to know a practice that said they'll love to have me.

I'm also going to have a doula. I wasn't aware that a midwife doesn't cover the emotional/mental aspect of labour and delivery. They're really only there to make sure I'm fine and that the baby is out safely.

A doula is all about the support. They rub your feet, get you water, change your music, anything to make you more comfortable. I was very pleased to find out I can have both and I won't look like an idiot, haha.

The next 10 days are going to be long ones!

30 July 2016

I did it!

Yesterday was the day I started the PIO injections. I chickened out and called my mom. It didn't hurt, but the oil is hard to push through the needle.

But guess what!

I did my own today!

It took me about 5 minutes to finally stick the needle in, and I still feel sick thinking about it, but I freaking did it.

So I should be okay from now on.

Tomorrow I start the other meds and in 4 days we transfer!

28 July 2016


I had my lining check this morning. I needn't have worried because my lining was 9mm!

All doctors want different numbers, but the general rule is at least 8mm. So I made it! Yay!

That means I start the progesterone (PIO = progesterone in oil) injections tomorrow. I get to stab my ass with a 1 1/2 inch needle, woo!

On Sunday, 31st, I'll start two other different medications. Doxycycline and Medrol. Both are just to aid my body into thinking it's already pregnant before the transfer.

I take the Doxy for 3 days. 1 pill 2x daily. And the Medrol for 4 days. 1 pill once a day. It's a lot to remember! So naturally I've written it down in about 3 different places.

And now for the best part!

Drum roll....

Transfer is August 3rd! That's right! 6 days from now!

I am so excited. And IPs are completely over the moon.

I can't wait to start peeing on sticks, hahah.

This is my fully stocked medicine cabinet.

25 July 2016

A few more days..

Until my lining check. I find myself stressing about it.

I've been drinking and eating things high in vitamin whatever, but I'm a worrier. It's a hobby at this point.

Now that the legals are done and we're just waiting on me and my body, I'm feeling a lot of pressure.

I know it's stupid, and logically there is no pressure, but I feel it all the same.

I want this to happen, first shot, so badly for A&M. They deserve to have the family that they want. 8 years is a long time to want a family.

So I'm just counting down the days, hoping Thursday gets here quick.

19 July 2016



My cycle started yesterday which means I started the Estrace today. I'll be taking 2 pills, 3x a day for a while. I imagine that will go down once I start the progesterone.

I got my lining check today as well! Next Thursday at 10 AM! Providing everything goes well there, I'll get my transfer date.

Eeee! Today has been filled with great things. It's fantastic.

The next month is going to be busy!

11 July 2016

We are a go!

Oh boy.

Misinformation sucks. I was told some things that weren't entirely whole true, so a lot of hopes went up only to be tugged down pretty hard.

Turns out the contract was not done. It was done and signed on June 30. It was sent to the clinic July 4 and guess what, I finally got my protocol today!

Well.. technically only part of it. But, still!

I start Estrace (estrogen) with my upcoming cycle on day two. It will get my body pumped and ready to prepare for a baby. 10 days after that I will have a lining check of my uterus via internal ultrasound.

And yes, it is as much fun as it sounds.

That day I will get the rest of my protocol and with any luck, transfer will be the first week of August. Yay!

I'll need to start eating/drinking things rich in whatever vitamins thicken the uterine lining. Pom juice, sweet potatoes, pineapple core (who knew), and lots of orgasms, haha. Sounds lovely.

I'm crossing my fingers for an early period lol.

I am not looking forward to sticking myself in the ass everyday with a 2 inch needle. I've been told once I do it the first time that it's fine. But I have a needle phobia and still cry when nurses take my blood. Sigh.

I went on a surrogate retreat this past weekend. It was fantastic. The rooms were all amazing and the food was delicious! SCO's coordinator planned a ton of stuff for us to do and I went home with a lot of goodies! Chocolate and cookies - to die for!


I also realize I haven't talked at all about where I applied or who I'm doing this with.

Back in January when my friend made me realize I can still be a surrogate, I searched up surrogacy in Canada on Google and was taken to Surrogacy In Canada Online https://surrogacy.ca/

I went through the application and after my second attempt talked with Sally, the program's coordinator. She is a lovely, lovely woman. If I ever have a question about the process or just a general problem/issue she's right there to answer me. She started this program way back when after being a surrogate herself. Her story is on the website, for those that are interested!

After I was accepted into the program, Sally added me into two secret groups on Facebook. One for surrogates and intended parents, and the other just for the surrogates. I have met so many wonderful ladies. They are all so kind and giving. I didn't expect much of a support system outside of my own people and was so pleasantly surprised to find them all.

SCO is how I met my IPs. Complete luck and chance. Surrogacy is actually illegal in a lot of countries in Europe. It isn't in Belgium, but apparently it is very complicated and my IPs found not a lot of them women do it altruistically. Like in the States, you can be paid to be a surrogate. In Canada you are only compensated for pregnancy related expenses.

For example; mileage to the clinic (little over an hour from my city), meals we eat during the trip, childcare if needed, clothing for the pregnancy. Special expenses like bed rest, special diets (if the IPs require that), lost wages, etc. It all has to relate to the surrogacy directly to be compensated.

I haven't been asked yet, but I know a lot of surros are. "You must make a lot doing that?" Well, no. And I'm not in it for the money anyway. I'm doing this to create a family that can't otherwise do it on their own.

I'm sure a lot of other people wonder - Why don't they just adopt?

It also isn't that easy. My IPs are gay, and it's very hard for gay couples to adopt in Europe I guess. Plus, why should that be someone's first choice? Isn't that why we have IVF? For couples to have a baby with their own genetics?

Either way, I'm so blessed to have A&M in my life. And none of this would have happened without Sally and SCO. She has created a great community.

If you, or anyone you know, is the tiniest bit interested in surrogacy please visit the website and look around! Or even egg donation! Half of this wouldn't be possible without the lovely women that donate their eggs for others!

It's really, truly a wonderful thing to do!

27 June 2016

One step forward, two steps back.

With the contract being done (we still haven't signed it yet) I figured I'd start the meds soon and everything would move along nicely.


The nurse said today that I can start the estrogen with my next cycle. In approx 20 days. And then transfer is 20 days after that.

So there is definitely no transfer is July.

Assuming that my period starts in 20 days and isn't late, that put my cycle day 2 at July 18. 20 days after that is August 7, depending on how they count the 20 days.

Just a big bummer.

Also, the farther back this is pushed, the longer I'll be pregnant next year. With a transfer date of August 7, with 5 day frozen embryos, the due date would be the end of April.

My wedding is in May lol.

24 June 2016

It's done!

The contract, that is! We all just need to sign it now, get the legal letter to the nurse, who will then send my meds over and everything will actually start.


20 June 2016

More hurry up.

And wait.

My IPs lawyer seems to take forever with her side of things. The clinic seems to take forever with their stuff. It's all been very frustrating.

We're still working on the agreement details.

I talked with my lawyer last week and we got everything squared away on our side. So we've been sitting on our hands waiting for IPs lawyer to write her revision and send it back to us. I think that will be done tomorrow.

I was told that since our legals are all very standard and simple that legals wouldn't take very long and would be handled quickly. I feel jipped. I also feel like I'm the only one that wants to move this along and get myself pregnant.

My next period is due any day (it's actually late) and I won't be starting Estrace on my day 2, which means transfer will likely be postponed another cycle.


I mean, I guess the upside is that the longer it takes, the less of the summer I'm pregnant for. So there's that.

And the meds. I am not looking forward to sticking myself in the ass everyday for 12 weeks. My partner always grins when it's mentioned, like he's just itching to get his hands on that needle.

So that's that for that. Not much has happened this month. Hopefully things start picking up!

24 May 2016

I'm all cleared.

I had my medical screening on May 14. It went really well. Did an ultrasound, a full physical workup, sono, and had a talk with the fertility doctor. He was nice. During the sono he said I have a beautiful uterus, hahah.

Last week my IPs told me their lawyer doesn't want to start contract stuff until we get the go ahead from the clinic. I was pretty bummed about that. I wanted to get that all done and then start cycling with my next period (any day now).

But one more month won't hurt anything.

The clinic had told my IPs that it could take a few weeks to get the results from my screening.

Surprise! They cleared me today!

I'm ecstatic!

Now we can get the contract stuff taken care of and with any luck I'll start the medications with my period next month, which would put transfer in July!

Right now I'm just waiting for the clinic's nurse to e-mail me directly about everything. I'll likely get my medication protocol. Which is great because even if I'm not doing anything yet, I still like to know what my next steps are well in advance.

Fingers are crossed for a quick month!

11 May 2016

1 down 1 to go.

I had my counseling session today via Skype with the fertility clinic.

That was interesting. And awkward.

It's uncomfortable enough for me to tell a counselor something to their face, but on a screen was doubly weird.

I felt like it went okay, though. She didn't outright say "You're good to go!" but I didn't get "No fucking way." either.

I'm pretty hopeful.

M&A got the card (that I sent on May 3) today. They loved it! I sent them a postcard from my recent trip to Ottawa today, too.

Now just for my medical screening on Saturday.

Holy cow, that's only four days away!

I'm cautious but optimistic. I got pregnant on my own twice just fine, I don't see any reason why I shouldn't with a little (a lot) of help.

With any luck I'll have my hormone protocol when I leave and I'll be able to start the medications real soon.

If all goes according to plan we could be looking at a July or August transfer!

M&A's donor eggs are being retrieved on Friday, they'll get the embryos started, and at 6 days they'll do genetic testing on them. Crossing my fingers that they're perfect. Then it's all up to me!

Exciting stuff happening!

02 May 2016

Getting ahead of myself.

Tonight I'm trying to think of ways to tell my IPs that I'm pregnant.

I'm completely jumping ahead because I haven't even done my screenings yet!

It's just too bad that they live across the ocean because it limits me. I'd love to do something big and awesome but I''ve really only got e-mail or Skype.

I was thinking of a shirt that says something along the lines of "you're going to be daddies!". But, not telling them and hoping they read it haha.

I'd love to see their faces and watch them figure it out.

01 May 2016

It's all set.

Bit of an update tonight.

I finally got my counseling session which will be done via Skype. That will be May 11.

And the big one:

I met my IPs yesterday!

They're wonderful. They treated me, Beard and Bub to lunch, and they brought me genuine Belgian chocolates. Two boxes!

They even bought two boxes of Guide cookies from Ma'am.

Meeting them made me feel a million times stronger in my decision to be their surrogate. They're going to be amazing parents and I feel so blessed to be able to make it happen for them.

Beautiful things are about to happen.

21 April 2016


I finally have an appointment date for my screenings!

I go May 14 for the medical stuff and apparently I'll do the psych stuff over Skype. I'd prefer to just do it all in one go, but oh well.

Little update, I'm so excited!

20 April 2016

Finally some headway.

April 13

My application has been approved by the clinic!


Lots more waiting. I finally got an e-mail from the clinic on April 18 to make an appointment for my screenings. I'm going to Ottawa from May 5 to 10, so of course guess which date they asked for.

Correct. A date in which I'm not able to go.

So now I'm waiting, again, for the nurse to e-mail me back with a new date.

This is all very frustrating. They really seem to take their time.

A&M and I are all set to meet on April 30! Very exciting!

It's silly but I'm worried that I'm going to be taller than them.

Another small update, but nothing's been happening around here thus far. Hopefully they start picking up soon!

11 April 2016

Hurry up and wait.

I'm not sure why, but I assumed that when the referral went to the clinic I'd get a call a few days later for my screening appointment.

Well, not so.

I guess my over expectations are letting me down so I've been in a funky kind of mood.

I also thought that I would start the hormones right after the screenings, do those for a month or so, do the transfer, then become pregnant right away.

Learning that it doesn't happen that way every time is also a mood dampener.

Plus the weather just sucks.

Not a great update, but I figure I should put it all out there. Cause if I think this stuff I'm sure someone else does, too.

I'm trying not to let it get me down. My IPs Skype with the clinic today and said they'll try to get some information. So I'm crossing my fingers that we know more later today.

Oh, but they met my partner on Saturday. They all liked each other so I'm really happy about that. I'll be excited to meet them in person.

Crossing my fingers and toes!

02 April 2016

It's official!

Houston; we have a match!

This morning the couple from Belgium asked me to be their surro. I feel so blessed for this opportunity to make them a family! It's very exciting.

They've sent an e-mail to the fertility clinic in Toronto with my information and I'll be contacted, I imagine, the beginning of the coming week. It's Saturday so I doubt they're open until Monday.

We'll get appointments made for my assessments and if all pulls through I'll start the hormones and we'll do the transfer.

I'm not entirely sure of a time line. M&A (the IPs) said they'll fly to Canada at the end of April to make their "deposit", but I believe I need to be on the hormones for a bit before the transfer.

Maybe the embryo needs to develop in the dish before transfer? I don't know but I'm sure I'll find out.

I should probably research a little haha.

I can't wait!

31 March 2016

It's actually happening now.

03/28 9:30 PM

"Everything looks great. I'll get your profile set up and sent out to the intended parents and we'll get this all started."

03/28 11:05 PM

*receives e-mail with my profile in it that the IPs are sent*

03/28 11:10 PM

*receives reply to my profile*

03/31 8:00 PM

I replied to two of the e-mails that I received on 03/29. One couple lives in Belgium, and the other in Toronto. Big difference! I talked with both couples yesterday and it was great. Since Toronto is only an hour and some from where I live the IPs there are coming to Waterloo to meet with me and my partner. I'll be Skyping with the IPs in Belgium again tomorrow.

This is all very exciting! It feels great that I'm finally making this happen.

I watched a few videos on YouTube the other night, from the perspective of the intended parents and their journies with infertility and thus surrogacy. Talk about tears! I know if I can make someone that happy and make them feel that blessed then I've done something right.

I don't have an official match yet, but once I do they'll let Sally, the coordinator of sorts, know and I'll be scheduled for my medical exams and psych assessments. I'm pretty confident about the mental stuff. The physical stuff, well we'll have to see. I'm healthy and had two healthy pregnancies, but it's still worrisome.

So I'm just crossing my fingers and praying that my body comes through for me. I would love this opportunity to make a family for someone.

28 March 2016

Application; take two.


I've reapplied!

03/27 9:00 AM

Thank you for contacting us and thank you for submitting your application, it looks great! To get started with our program you need to register your own user account for access to our website. Before we can make your profile available we need to have a phone consult so I can detail how our program works and answer any questions and/or concerns you may have. Depending on how many questions you have the call can last from 10 minutes to an hour. Part of our screening is your ability to respond to emails and set up a date/time for the phone consult… if we do not hear back from you within 5-7days we will assume you have lost interest. We look forward to hearing from you!

03/27 9:05 AM

Yes me, pick me!

03/28 1:15 PM

My phone consultation is this evening around 9. I am so excited and nervous that it's actually happening now. Who knows how I'm going to be once I start seeing doctors!

05 February 2016

I can still do this?


Me: I can't surrogate anymore either, which is something I really wanted to do.

Angela: You can't surrogate?

Me: Well not if I can't get pregnant.

Angela: You could still be artificially inseminated, couldn't you?

*light bulb*

Definition: Gestational surrogacy is a fertility option, which allows the intended parents to achieve a pregnancy by first creating embryos through IVF and then transferring these embryos to another woman, called the gestational carrier, or gestational surrogate.

TADA! I can still do this!

02/04 11:30 PM

I've just submitted my application to the Surrogacy In Canada Online agency. I've started the process that will allow me to gift someone a human being.

02/05 10:00 AM

Received an e-mail from the agency director!

Your application looks great but unfortunately we cannot accept surrogate mothers that are on social assistance.

Looks like my job hunt was just kicked up a notch.

02/05 3:00 PM

Hi there, I'm Stephanie. I'm a single mother to two (girl is 9, boy is 3). I had a tubal done in April 2013 and basically thought my hopes of being a surrogate were over. Well not so!

I've created this blog to help myself, and anyone else that's interested, learn more about gestational surrogacy. Plus I thought it'd be a fun way to document the important milestones throughout this adventure!